mail: Теl. 0885 005 703


A wide selection of products for different needs of commercial laundries, nursing homes, restaurants, hospitals, nurseries and many more.

Hygienic or Clean-Room installations

Designed to install into the wall, providing the loading of linen on dirty and unloading on the clean side. Ensuring a reliable protection from spreading bacteria, avoiding the possibility of linen contamination and providing maximum disinfection during the whole washing process.

Robust and reliable construction

The construction of all vital parts is indicating consistency and homogeneity of the structure, reflecting excellent long-term machine performance and ensuring its investment and also users satisfaction justification. All machine parts that come in direct contact with water are made of top quality material stainless steel AISI 304 or, as an
option, in AISI 316 for Clean Room solutions. All PCH models are built with air-bag suspension which provides maximum vibration absorbing and consequently lower ground and laundry-construction load.

Safety operation

A mechanical brake is designed for inner drum positioning before opening the door and in emergencies also as an emergency brake. Structural an extremely powerful brake that stopps the inner drum in less than 7 seconds time. Unlocking of the inner drum, with extremely reliable safety mechanism lock, is easy and user friendly (manipulation with one hand). With big capacity machines is the focus on security and robustness of the safety mechanism lock even bigger but still user friendly.

The maximum ergonomics and easy to use

The design of all machines is offering the best ergonomics and a user-friendly operation. Width range of options is ensuring a complete adjustment of the machine operation to any user requirements (second display to monitor the process on the clean side, Automatic Weighing System to optimise the linen loading, consumption, 4th water inlet, second drain valve for recycling, water, electricity and PH sensometers, Hygienic Monitoring Software System and many more). Two (Pullman partition) or tree (Y partition) compartment inner drum are providing ergonomical and fast loading and unloading. Optimal inclination angle of each compartment is providing the easiest loading and unloading possible. Left or right opening inner drum door are enabling user-friendly loading and unloading. Outer drum door are opened with a gas spring, which is providing an easy and fast access to the inner drum door. Automatic locking and unlocking of outer drum doors is present on all machines.


Environmentally friendly technology

All machines are designed to ensure the best washing results quality with minimum consumption of water, detergent and energy. Construction of inner drum ribs and door is achieving unique effect of mechanical rubbing the linen and with it a high quality of washing. With the design of the heating chambers the water loss is remarkably low, which is reflected in rapid warming and consequently lower energy consumption. Automatic Weighing System is optimizing loading of linen (open pocket, Pullmann or Y partition inner drums) and adjusting the water and liquid detergents consumption according to the weight of the linen saving up to 50%. Water Recycling System therefore provides even extra reduction in consumption.

Controls and monitoring

All the controllers are freely-programmable and adjustable according to the customer needs. They are connectable to the network using Ethernet connection and supported to control and monitor any machine operation at any time using Hygienic Monitoring Software System.

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